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Launch Your Marketing Business:
A Step-by-Step Workshop

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What You Will Learn

This comprehensive workshop is designed to guide you through every step of launching your own marketing business, tailored for professionals who are ready to take the leap but aren’t sure where to start. Here’s what we’ll cover:

Identifying Your Niche: Discover how to select a niche that aligns perfectly with your interests and market needs, setting the foundation for your business.

Setting Up Your Business Foundation: Learn about the essentials—from registering your business to creating a compelling brand identity that resonates with your audience.

Developing and Pricing Your Offerings: Master the art of crafting attractive service packages and pricing them right to balance profitability with market competitiveness.

Effective Marketing Strategies: Gain insights into building a strong online presence, utilizing digital marketing tools to attract and engage customers.

Operations, Productivity, and Scaling: Explore strategies to manage your time effectively, automate tasks, and plan for growth as your business expands.