Our Services

At Muse Marketing Academy, we provide the guidance, tools, and support you need to transform your corporate marketing expertise into a thriving entrepreneurial venture.

30-Minute 1-on-1 Consultation - $199

Get personalized advice and actionable insights in a focused 30-minute session. Whether you’re looking for clarity on your business idea, need help with marketing strategies, or want to discuss your career transition, this consultation is designed to provide you with the immediate support you need.

60-Minute 1-on-1 Consultation - $349

Dive deeper into your entrepreneurial journey with a comprehensive 60-minute consultation. We’ll explore your goals, identify obstacles, and create a strategic plan to help you move forward. This session is perfect for those who need more in-depth guidance and a clear roadmap to success.

30-Day Support - $799

Achieve consistent progress with our 30-Day Support package. This includes four 1-on-1 30-minute calls over the next 30 days and access to a dedicated Slack channel for ongoing support and questions. This package is perfect for those who want continuous guidance, momentum, and accountability as they build their business.

Our services are designed for ambitious marketing executives who are:

• Currently working in corporate jobs and feeling stuck, underpaid, and overworked.

• Seeking financial independence, freedom, and the ability to work from anywhere.

• Inspired by successful entrepreneurs and motivated by personal and professional growth.

Who we serve?

Why Choose Muse Marketing Academy?

As a marketing executive, you possess the skills and experience to thrive in your own business. However, the transition from corporate to entrepreneurship can be daunting. Our consulting services are designed to:

Empower You: Gain the confidence to take the leap and start your own marketing business.

Provide Clarity: Develop a clear, actionable plan tailored to your unique goals.

Offer Support: Receive continuous guidance and support from an experienced entrepreneur who has successfully made the transition.

Just a few words…

Hey, I see you – I was you. I’m Anastasiia Mann and I understand the struggles of feeling stuck and the fear of stepping into the unknown. I had doubts about my ability to succeed in entrepreneurship, but my desire for freedom and control over my income outweighed that fear – thank God, it did!

Remember, you don’t have to see the whole staircase to take the first step. Start small by building a side business while keeping your full-time job. Gradually expand it before fully diving in. The first version of your business is just a stepping stone. Just like Amazon started with selling books, you never know where this journey will take you. Action creates clarity.

Are you ready to step into a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations? Join me at Muse Marketing Academy, where your transformation from corporate marketing executive to thriving entrepreneur begins.