Real Estate Marketing Made Easy
Real Estate Marketing Made Easy
Real Estate Marketing Made Easy • Blog • Real Estate Marketing Made Easy • Blog •
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Transform Your Marketing Efforts and Win More Clients with ChatGPT
ChatGPT has been quite a hot topic since the launch of its private preview in November 2022. Some of us love it, some hate it, and some are still unsure what it is. The writing is on the wall - ChatGPT will change how we do business, as the internet changed it once before. It’s a pretty bold statement, isn’t it? Let’s dive into what exactly ChatGPT is and how you can use it today in a matter of minutes for your real estate marketing efforts.

How to Set SMART Marketing Goals in 2023
What was your motivation when you decided to become a real estate agent? Was it the passion for helping people find their dream homes? Was it an opportunity for unlimited income? Or maybe you just wanted to be your own boss and set your schedule?
Regardless of what that motivation was for you - you started running your own business when you became an agent. And if you are ready to level up this year, it’s time to start thinking like the CEO and set your business and marketing goals for 2023.